This is an interagency website developed by a partnership between federal, state, and local agencies within the Willamette Valley to provide timely and accurate information for prescribed fires and fuels projects within the Willamette Valley. Our aim is to provide one website where the best available information and links related to prescribed fire can be accessed.
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Burning season is just around the corner
Now that widespread rain has lowered the fire danger across the region, it is beginning to look like prescribed burning season in the Willamette Valley. The first favorable weather for dispersing smoke away from burns in West Eugene is predicted to occur next week (week of September 12th). Notification postcards have been sent to properties within 1/4 mile of a planned burn unit. We are currently experiencing difficulty with our Prescribed Fire Information Line (541-683-6970). In the meantime, you may request further information or notification regarding burning of particular units by emailing