Willamette Valley Prescribed Fire: When will we be beginning the controlled ecological burns?
The Map above depicts the location of the 2016 prescribed fire perimeters.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

When will we be beginning the controlled ecological burns?

We have no scheduled burns through the 14th of September. We will begin looking at weather, and other factors to burn beginning on the 15th of September.

The exact times when the burns are conducted are determined based on current and expected conditions. Weather plays a big part. We always look to minimize impacts to nearby residents, particularly the impacts related to smoke that is generated by the burns. 

The windows when conditions can support ecological burning in the wetlands will vary between now and late October. All of the agencies and organizations involved with the ecological burning program maintain a list of people who are interested in receiving pre-burn notifications. They are typically provided a day or so before a burn. You can be added to that list. Let us know what your preference is for receiving those notifications, i.e. by phone, email or both. 

Updates about dates when the burns are likely to occur will also be posted on the Willamette Valley Prescribed Fire Facebook site at https://www.facebook.com/WillametteValleyPrescribedFire,  and the blogspot at http://willamettevalleyprescribedfire.blogspot.com/