Willamette Valley Prescribed Fire: Burning planned to begin October 1st in the Eugene-Springfield area
The Map above depicts the location of the 2016 prescribed fire perimeters.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Burning planned to begin October 1st in the Eugene-Springfield area

Wildfire danger has sufficiently decreased, and the winds are forecasted to become favorable for ecological burning sourthern Willamette Valley starting October 1st.  Tentative plans are for burning in the Mount Pisgah area first due to favorable northwest winds. If the weather is as forecasted, Units 9 and 10 would be ignited starting in the late morning, with ignition operations complete in the afternoon.

Winds are forecast to switch to a northeasterly flow starting Saturday, which would be favorable for transporting smoke away from planned burns in the West Eugene Wetlands. The current weather forecast is uncertain as to whether the cut-off low that is bringing the wind shift will also bring any rain to western Oregon.  If significant rain does occur, this will likely preclude burning.

Planned burn units in the southern Willamette Valley
A larger-scale map of the burns planned in the vicinity of west Eugene.
A larger-scale map of the burns planned in the vicinity of Mount Pisgah.